About Love and Jesus

This post basically covers it: Why Love? Why Jesus?

About James

For the first two decades of my adult life, I was a frustrated atheist. God made no sense to me, and I could not abide the atrocities and wars and discrimination I saw being carried out in the name of religion. At the time, it was an easy decision to turn away from God. I was already a good person, so what was the point?

I was also a frustrated parent and boss, overly busy and overly annoyed and overly stressed. When I finally began to pursue personal growth, something clicked. I learned about servant leadership, and I explored Stoicism and Buddhism and many other things. My relationships improved, and my stress decreased. I was opening my mind to the spiritual and opening my heart to love.

As I realized the interconnectedness of the universe and of humanity, God started making sense. And then—punchline of all punchlines—Jesus showed up. There he was, teaching about love the way I had come to understand love, and with a piercing clarity I had not found in any other teacher, tradition or religion.

In January 2024, I accepted Jesus into my heart. A few days later, I found my church. A few months later, I was baptized. Today, I consider myself a devoted follower of Jesus and an evangelist of Love.

Follow me as I follow Jesus, and walk with me toward the life of Love that God always intended for us. We are all in this together.

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Follow me as I follow Jesus, walking toward the life of Love that God intends for us. We are all in this together.


Living in Love and Following Jesus